Tuesday, January 2, 2007


I don’t know for sure where I stand, I am not a feminist, yet, I don’t like wearing skirts. I hate the color pink, but not because it’s a girl color, I look great in it in fact, it’s just too bright and strong. I’m more drawn to reds and grays and whites, maybe a few pastels. To me, there is nothing that feels better than to slip on a pair of Dickies and jeans and go load wood on an autumn afternoon. But I shy away from large groups of people my age, especially girls. I think maybe that stems from being the eldest, I’m used to responsibility and watching over people younger than me, hard work, thus I can relate to adults better. I rarely, if never, feel a need to fit into a crowd or make friends. I’m kind of a loner.

But I don’t understand about the deal about being a Feminist. Woman and girls alike try to prove themselves to men that they are equals in everything, it’s like they are trying to BE men! I can run just as fast as a man, or I can play just as rough as the men, I endure just as much as a man! Why can’t we just enjoy what makes us different from man? We have so much to be thankful for! In today’s world, we can play sports AND sew. We can scale mountains AND wear pretty clothing. Don’t they see that feminists are not strong women, just wanabe men?

When I worked for the Youth Park Corp, last summer, I was on of the only girls. I loved the work…Shoveling and lifting rock, squatting in the sun to paint hundreds of dragons teeth for hours on end, digging with a pick axe in water logged dirt; I liked feeling tired after a very hard day’s work. But I never tried to be as good as the boys. I made it clear on a few occasions that, ‘I can’t lift this, please help me.’ I never tried to out do the boys, I acknowledged that they were stronger and better able to do things than I was. They treated me with respect. They never gave me a hard time for not being able to do something, and why should they, if I asked for their help? I wore pretty earrings to work, yet I kneeled in the dirt with them. None of the boys in my group made lewd comments about me, or talked to me in a degrading way, unlike some of the boys in the other group, because I treated them with respect…they knew I would never talk like that about them or anybody else I knew.

Maybe I’m relaxed femininity. I were my dads old t-shirts to bed, but at the same time I also have a set of pajamas that’s light blue and has flowers. Being Feminine isn’t a big deal to me. I like earthy colors, not the generic kind that chain stores produce, but I also like them fitted, not baggy, so people know that I’m a girl. I enjoy wearing cloths that set off my eyes or complement my complexion, but I also like wearing ‘play’ cloths, I like getting dirty and I love playing sports. I never dress to make me look like a boy, the bible is very clear about that, and I believe in submitting to my husband and father with a submissive heart. I believe in being the woman defined by the bible. In fact, I love being a girl! I have a father who protects me, and will have a husband who will love and cherish me, providing for me and our children…I’m all taken care of! But that doesn’t mean I can’t play sports or get down and dirty once and awhile. I don’t have to be a ‘girly girl’ to be biblical.

I guess the only reason they would want to be a feminist, is that that they don't know what they are missing. ;)

1 comment:

Carly said...

I really enjoyed reading this blog! It sounded quite a bit like me talking. I read your Rebelution prayer request, for you kitty, this morning, and that's how I stumbled upon your blog. I've enjoyed reading all of your blog entries. Keep writing! My blog is myunfinishedfaith.blogspot.com. Although I don't have a bunch of spare time to write anything, on rare occasion I find a couple minutes!